May 31, 2013May 31, 2013

Yervoy-Nivolumab Combination Treatment Shrinks Tumors 80 Percent in Three Months

Single-Agent Phase III Trial Comparing Vectibix to Erbitux Meets Primary Endpoint

Trial Shows Standard-Dose Radiotherapy Safer, More Effective than Higher Doses

Vaccine Increases PFS 146%, OS 60% In Phase II Clinical Trial

Cediranib Demonstates Control In Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma

Antibody Targeting PD-L1 Shows Fast Tumor Shrinkage

Shared Decisionmaking Called For In PSA Screening For Ages 55-69

ACCP Publishes Guidelines Recommending Low-Dose CT

Study: Routine CT Not Needed In Detecting DLBCL Remissions

Surveillance Following Surgery Sufficient in Stage I Seminoma

Fitness Reduces Risk of Death From Lung, Colorectal, Prostate Cancer in Middle-Aged Men

NCI CTEP Approved Trials For the Month of May

FDA Approves Bayer’s Xofigo For Late-Stage Prostate Cancer

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