November 25, 2011Nov 25, 2011

ADT Does Not Raise Risk of Heart Attacks In Men With No History Of Heart Disease

Trial In Metastatic Disease To Be Unblinded After Regorafenib Meets Primary Endpoint

MDV3100 Improves Survival, Reduces Death Risk by 37%

Xgeva Delays Metastases To Bone, Amgen Files To Expand Indication

Elevated Baseline Glucose Levels Associated With Higher Cancer Risk

Oncotype DX Cancer Test Can Predict Recurrence

Signet Cell A Rising Trend In Patients Under Age 40

FIT More Effective Than gFOBT In All Colonoscopy Capacities

Tumor Treating Fields Therapy Increased Three-Year Survival

Only 20 Percent Of At-Risk Patients Are Screened For HBV Before Therapy

New Algorithm Completes Scan Three Times Faster Than Before

Survivorship Studies Unfocused As Total Research Increases

Trials Approved by NCI CTEP Last Month

Agency Approves HPV Test That Detects 14 High-Risk Strains

Alimta Granted Approval As NSCLC Continuation Therapy

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