August 28, 2009Aug 28, 2009

More Cost-Effective To Use Cetuximab In Patients With Wild-Type KRAS Gene

Older Women More Likely To Receive Lower Chemotherapy Doses, Study Finds

ASTRO Issues Statement On APBI For Breast Cancer

Denosumab Demonstrates Superiority Over Zometa For Bone Metastases

Lymphedema Education Helps Reduce Symptoms, Study Finds

Exercise May Help Combat Leukemia Patients’ Fatigue

Cranial Radiation Eliminated With Personalized Chemo

Young Early-Stage Patients Can Preserve Fertility

Limb-Sparing Surgery May Not Offer Better Quality of Life

AIDS Patients Face Higher Risk Of HPV-Related Cancers As Immunosuppression Grows

Budesonide Not Beneficial For Diarrhea In Melanoma

NCI Cooperative Group Clinical Trials Approved

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