Biden administration blocks Trump’s last-minute appointees from getting on NCAB

Biden administration blocks Trump’s last-minute appointees from getting on NCAB

On Dec. 8, 2020, a month after losing the election, then-president Donald Trump announced his intent to name 26 people to advisory boards across the federal government. Among them were three would-be members of the National Cancer Advisory Board, and in the months following, these three appointments—which have been blocked and ultimately terminated by the... […]
John Ellerton receives 2021 NCORP Harry Hynes Award

John Ellerton receives 2021 NCORP Harry Hynes Award

John A. Ellerton, the principal investigator of the Nevada Cancer Research Foundation NCI Community Oncology Research Program, has won the 2021 Harry Hynes Award. The award is given annually to NCORP PIs for outstanding contribution to clinical trials and community research. In 1983, Ellerton’s group, then called the Southern Nevada Research Foundation, was among the... […]