August 27, 2010Aug 27, 2010

Alcohol Consumption Increases Risk Of Lobular And HR+ Breast Cancer

Olaparib, A PARP Inhibitor, Can Reduce Tumor Size In Advanced Ovarian Cancer

Brothers Of Prostate Cancer Patients At Risk Of Diagnosis

Estrogen Alone Didn’t Increase Lung Cancer Mortality In WHI

Tumors Harder To Detect In Women In Their Forties

Two Avastin Trials Show OS Benefit In Advanced Disease

Risk-Benefit Analysis Advised Prior To Hormone Therapy

Elderly Patients Fail To Receive New Cancer Therapy For CML

Rising Obesity May Result In Higher Cancer Incidence

Study Finds Relationship Between Meat Intake, Cancer

Radiation To Stem Cell Niche Improved PFS In Glioblastoma

NCI Cooperative Group Clinical Trials Approved

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