Women’s History Month

- Dr. Lori Pierce, ASCO’s First African American Woman President
By ASCO | April 1, 2021
Lori J. Pierce, MD, FASTRO, FASCO began her term as the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s 57th president on June 1, 2020, making her ASCO’s first African American woman to hold this prestigious title. The desire to pursue a career in medicine took root when Dr. Pierce was a young child visiting family in segregated Ahoskie, North Carolina. She witnessed firsthand the impact the town’s lone African American family physician had on the community.

- Helen Coley Nauts: The Woman Who Resurrected Cancer Immunotherapy
By Cancer Research Institute | April 1, 2021
Helen Coley Nauts, the founder of the Cancer Research Institute (CRI), was a high school-educated housewife and mother who, from the time of her father’s death in 1936 until her own passing in 2001, would go on to fundamentally change the fields of cancer research and immunology. Her determination and perseverance in the face of constant resistance from the medical establishment of her day laid the foundation for cancer immunotherapy as it is known today.
Quote of the week
We are constantly aware that the [National Cancer Program] is unique for the federal government and for medicine. It has responsibility not only to conduct and foster cancer and related research, but to coordinate all cancer research done in the United States and to establish interrelationships in other countries as well.
Frank J. Rauscher, Jr.
- Frank J. Rauscher, Jr.: “Cancer Program Is Well Underway” Jan. 15, 1975
By NCI | April 1, 2021
Recent contributions

- ASCO Remembers Breast Cancer Drug Development Pioneer Dr. José Baselga
By ASCO | April 1, 2021 - Video: Padmanee Sharma on coming to America and falling in love with science
By Jim Allison: Breakthrough | April 1, 2021 - Video: Dr. Jim Allison on what inspired him to become a scientist
By Jim Allison: Breakthrough | March 31, 2021 - T. Ming Chu: The Man Behind the PSA Test
By Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center | March 30, 2021
Primary Sources
- Report of the National Panel of Consultants on the Conquest of Cancer. Part 2, November 1970.
By NCI | April 1, 2021 - “Cancer Research.” Congressional Record – Senate. October 27, 1971
By NCI | April 1, 2021 - Press Release Announcing the 15 Year Anniversary of the National Cancer Program. December 1985
By NCI | March 31, 2021 - Report to the President’s Cancer Panel on the Reauthorization of the National Cancer Act. December 1988
By NCI | March 30, 2021 - December 16, 1971 Press Release Announcing Top-Level Planning Sessions for New National Cancer Plan
By NCI | March 29, 2021
This column features the latest posts to the Cancer History Project by our growing list of contributors.
The Cancer History Project is a free, web-based, collaborative resource intended to mark the 50th anniversary of the National Cancer Act and designed to continue in perpetuity. The objective is to assemble a robust collection of historical documents and make them freely available.
Access to the Cancer History Project is open to the public at CancerHistoryProject.com. You can also follow us on Twitter at @CancerHistProj.
Is your institution a contributor to the Cancer History Project? Eligible institutions include cancer centers, advocacy groups, professional societies, pharmaceutical companies, and key organizations in oncology.
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