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FreeGuest Editorial
The images from Ukraine are beyond endurance. There is nothing to say about the ethics of this conflict. A fascist autocrat who leads a confederacy of kleptocrats decides to invade a neighboring state under a KGB-honed delusion that has been out of date since the 1990s so that his nation will be “stronger” by reattaching itself to a the blasted remains of a cultural treasure.
Guest Editorial
The easiest way to respond to the ethics of doctors, nurses, and health care in the Third Reich is to dismiss what happened as the product of fringe practitioners getting permission from, or being forced by, fanatical ideological leaders to undertake manifestly bad science upon hated minorities.
FreeGuest Editorial
There is reason for concern about fascism rising in the United States. The reason is primarily Trumpism, followed by racism, followed by right-wing seditionist impulses.