NCI plans to mark the 50th anniversary of the National Cancer Act of 1971 with an effort to build a coalition of support for cancer research, including raising the payline to 15% by 2025.
The COVID-19 pandemic will likely cause at least 10,000 excess deaths from breast cancer and colorectal cancer over the next 10 years in the United States.
Delayed cancer diagnoses, deferred care, and postponed surgeries amid the COVID-19 pandemic will adversely impact cancer outcomes, which may show up as an increase in cancer mortality in the next few years, said NCI Director Ned Sharpless.
In spite of disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, NCI continues to review grants, disburse funds, and support extramural research, said NCI Director Ned Sharpless.
The pace of innovation in oncology has made U.S. cancer researchers prime targets for foreign state-sponsored programs aimed at diverting intellectual property.
The progress in cancer exceeds that of any other therapeutic area right now—at least as far as FDA is concerned, NCI Director Ned Sharpless said at a Dec. 3 joint meeting of the Board of Scientific Advisors and the National Cancer Advisory Board.
NCI is requesting an increase of $989 million to its FY2021 budget over FY2019 appropriated levels to boost the institute's payline, which has dropped to the 8th percentile in FY19—lower than 2013 sequestration levels—and which has been steadily dropping despite increased overall funding in recent years.
The mathematical concepts underlying the challenge NCI is facing today aren't difficult to grasp. In fact, a 14-year-old in an algebra class should be able to get it, NCI Director Ned Sharpless said to the National Cancer Advisory Board Feb. 12.
In addition to a $147 million increase to the Research Project Grant pool, NCI has added $60 million to targeted research opportunities and a $20 million increase for centers and SPOREs, and $10 million for the National Clinical Trials Network and the NCI Community Oncology Research Program.
NCI may need to invest at least $125 million in new money in the Research Project Grant pool in 2018 if the institute plans on keeping the success rates for R01s comparable to 2017, said NCI Director Ned Sharpless.