THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY and the University of Michigan have signed an agreement with Ohio-based Venture Therapeutics Inc. to form a new company to develop and commercialize a pharmaceutical technology targeted for the treatment of precancerous oral lesions.
THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA HEALTH NETWORK executed a principles-of-agreement document with Banner Health to create a statewide health care organization and a comprehensive new model for academic medicine. This agreement is intended to lead to final agreements in September.
ELI LILLY AND COMPANY and Immunocore Limited entered into a co-discovery and co-development collaboration to research and develop novel T cell-based cancer therapies.
THE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF WISCONSIN received a five-year, $2.6 million grant from NCI to study new therapeutic approaches for pancreatic cancer.
ROSWELL PARK CANCER INSTITUTE was granted approval to begin genomic testing of cancer patients by the New York State Department of Health.
DANA-FARBER CANCER INSTITUTE formed a three-year immuno-oncology lung cancer research collaboration with Johnson & Johnson Innovation and Janssen Biotech Inc.
STEVEN BANGERT, of CoBiz Financial, was named CEO of the Year at the American Cancer Society Corporate Impact Conference.
THOMAS JEFFERSON UNIVERSITY received a $110 million gift from the Sidney Kimmel Foundation. The gift will benefit Jefferson Medical College, which was renamed the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University.
THE PEW CHARITABLE TRUSTS and the Alexander and Margaret Stewart Trust announced the inaugural class of Pew-Stewart Scholars for Cancer Research.
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB announced a collaboration with Duke University through the Duke Clinical Research Institute focused on clinical trial transparency.