ELI LILLY AND COMPANY announced a commitment of $1 million to AMPATH in Eldoret, Kenya, provided by the Lilly Foundation. The funding, in conjunction with World Cancer Day, will help equip a new oncology center, hire additional staff and train local healthcare professionals.
CAROLYN COMPTON will lead the scientific advisory board of Indivumed GmbH.
THOMAS RUTHERFORD was named network physician director of cancer services for the Western Connecticut Health Network.
CANDACE JOHNSON was named the 15th president and CEO of Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Johnson will be the first female leader for the 117-year-old comprehensive cancer center.
THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA San Diego School of Medicine and University of California, San Francisco, with support from a team of collaborators, launched the Cancer Cell Map Initiative to determine how all of the components of a cancer cell interact.
MD ANDERSON CANCER CENTER and AstraZeneca announced a multiyear strategic research collaboration to conduct multiple, parallel clinical and clinically related studies in ovarian and other gynecologic cancers, including epidemiological and outcomes studies.
TONY HUNTER, CHARLES SAWYERS, and JOSEPH SCHLESSINGER received the Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Biomedicine from the BBVA Foundation for their work in on personalized treatments of cancer.
COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY has eliminated its mesothelioma center after its director, Robert Taub, was reported to have had a long-running association with the former New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.
JAMES ORR was appointed chair of the Florida Board of Medicine. Orr is medical director of Florida Gynecologic Oncology, a division of 21st Century Oncology. He will direct the actions of the board that oversees 68,000 Florida physicians.
SCOTT STRONG was named as chief of the Division of Gastrointestinal and Oncologic Surgery at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and surgical director of the Digestive Health Center.