In Brief

In Brief

Robert Schnoll named John H. Glick, MD Professor in Cancer Research at Penn Medicine

Robert Schnoll, Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center’s associate director for population science, was named the John H. Glick, MD Professor in Cancer Research. Schnoll is also the director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Nicotine Addiction, a senior fellow in the Penn Center for Public Health, and co-director of the Community Research and Engagement Core at the Penn Center for AIDS Research.
In Brief

Roy Herbst receives Ezra Greenspan Award from Chemotherapy+ Foundation

Roy S. Herbst (middle) receives his award at the Innovation Gala of The Chemotherapy+ Foundation, with Robert Winn (left), director and Lipman Chair in Oncology at VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center, and Katerina Politi (right), scientific director of YCC’s Center for Thoracic Cancers.Roy S. Herbst was awarded the Ezra Greenspan Award at the Innovation Gala of The Chemotherapy+ Foundation on Nov. 19 in New York City.