The National Cancer Institute Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program approved the following clinical research studies last month.For further information, contact the principal investigator listed.
Stanley Reimann was just one man, but in September 1930 he faced the daunting task of sustaining a fledgling research institute, which had started in 1921 in a makeshift lab above a hospital morgue, dedicated to unraveling the causes of cancer.
David Morse Livingston, a Dana-Farber Cancer Institute scientist who made key discoveries and forged novel collaborations that opened new paths in cancer science, died suddenly Oct. 17. Livingston was 80.
When Susan Love joked that a group of breast cancer advocates in Salt Lake City should march topless to George H. W. Bush’s White House, she didn’t expect to be taken seriously.
Breast cancer awareness month edition, with 1994 letters to the editor on mammography and the Bernard Fisher scandal.
Spanning part of September and October, it is a time to celebrate and recognize Hispanics or Latinos or Latinx persons* for their contributions. This nationwide observation begins on Sept. 15 when several countries in Latin America celebrate independence—Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Mexico celebrates independence on Sept. 16 and Chile on Sept. 18. Towards the end of Hispanic Heritage Month, Oct. 12 is also recognized as Día de la Raza.1 Persons of Hispanic ancestry have walked the Americas since 1492.
Joseph R. Bertino, a physician who made fundamental discoveries in cancer biology, defined curative cancer treatment regimens, trained generations of influential cancer researchers, ran productive laboratories, and served as the inaugural director of Yale Cancer Center, died on Oct. 10. He was 91.
My dear friend and mentor, Joseph R. Bertino, MD, died Sunday, Oct. 10, 2021, in New Brunswick, NJ, after an extended illness.
Before Janet Rowley, few scientists suspected that chromosomal aberrations caused cancer. Beginning in the 1970s, however, she made a series of fundamental discoveries demonstrating that specific chromosomal changes caused certain types of leukemia.
An argument can be made that only a government research agency like NCI has the capacity to answer questions about monitoring pancreatic cysts—and how some of them turn malignant.