Conversation with The Cancer Letter

Conversation with The Cancer Letter

AACR’s Sweeney: Adoption of data standards necessary for advancing real-world evidence in precision oncology
Conversation with The Cancer Letter

AACR’s Sweeney: Adoption of data standards necessary for advancing real-world evidence in precision oncology

Researchers at Project GENIE, the largest publicly available genomic database in the U.S., understand what it takes to convert sequencing data into real-world evidence: a lot of money, manpower, and data harmonization, said Shawn Sweeney, director of the American Association for Cancer Research Project GENIE Coordinating Center.
OSU’s Byrd: “It’s becoming necessary to consult with an expert, because it is complicated, and things are moving”
Conversation with The Cancer LetterFree

OSU’s Byrd: “It’s becoming necessary to consult with an expert, because it is complicated, and things are moving”

As the landscape in acute myelogenous leukemia changes, consultations with top-tier experts have become a necessity, said John Byrd, the principal investigator of Beat AML, Distinguished University Professor, the D. Warren Brown Professor of Leukemia Research at The Ohio State University, a member of the NCI Leukemia Steering Committee, chair of the Leukemia and Correlative Science Committee within the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology.