Cancer centers don’t usually ask NCI to increase their catchment areas. That’s because including more people and more square miles means increasing the responsibility to show impact.
James Allison has reshaped cancer drug development, making checkpoint inhibitors a staple of therapy in many key indications—and dramatically improving survival outcomes in previously recalcitrant diseases.
Nataliia Verovkina, a medical oncologist and research fellow at the National Cancer Institute of Ukraine, is now in the town of Vinnytsia, having travelled there from Kyiv to get her son away from the war zone.
Oleksandr Stakhovskyi, a urologist and oncologic surgeon at Ukraine’s National Cancer Institute, is staying in Kyiv to treat cancer patients as the Russian invasion continues.
Ukrainian communities across the United States are sending essential medical and humanitarian supplies to Ukraine via organizations, including the Ukrainian Medical Association of North America, said Solomiya Grushchak, a member of UMANA.
Changes at Mission Control notwithstanding, the new Cancer Moonshot is ready for liftoff, says Danielle Carnival, coordinator of the White House cancer initiative.
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted cancer screening and treatment and exacerbated health disparities, but also created unexpected opportunities in cancer research and care, a recent report from the American Association for Cancer Research states.