Conversation with The Cancer Letter

Conversation with The Cancer Letter

Attorney: Moffitt has made a “very irresponsible decision”—Thomas Sellers “never was a participant” in China’s Thousand Talents Program
Conversation with The Cancer Letter

Attorney: Moffitt has made a “very irresponsible decision”—Thomas Sellers “never was a participant” in China’s Thousand Talents Program

Contrary to declarations by Moffitt Cancer Center, Thomas Sellers, the institution's ousted director, was not involved in the Thousand Talents program sponsored by the People's Republic of China, said a Florida attorney who represents Sellers in preparing a lawsuit against the cancer center.
Learning to harmonize: Ten health care research organizations tell us how they formulated common definitions for real-world endpoints
Conversation with The Cancer LetterFreeReal-world Evidence

Learning to harmonize: Ten health care research organizations tell us how they formulated common definitions for real-world endpoints

We asked the leadership of 10 companies to share their visions of the future of data sharing, describe their portfolios in real-world evidence, and opine on what it would take to convince FDA accept real-world endpoints in regulatory decision-making in oncology.
Friends’ Allen: Real-world endpoints can be used to fill evidence gaps about performance of medical products
Conversation with The Cancer LetterFreeReal-world Evidence

Friends’ Allen: Real-world endpoints can be used to fill evidence gaps about performance of medical products

If real-world endpoints are indeed accurate proxies for clinical trial endpoints, real-world endpoints should start to look increasingly similar to the clinical trial endpoints as more stringent criteria are applied, said Jeff Allen, president and CEO of Friends of Cancer Research.