Conversation with The Cancer Letter

Conversation with The Cancer Letter

Learning to harmonize: Ten health care research organizations tell us how they formulated common definitions for real-world endpoints
Conversation with The Cancer LetterFreeReal-world Evidence

Learning to harmonize: Ten health care research organizations tell us how they formulated common definitions for real-world endpoints

We asked the leadership of 10 companies to share their visions of the future of data sharing, describe their portfolios in real-world evidence, and opine on what it would take to convince FDA accept real-world endpoints in regulatory decision-making in oncology.
Friends’ Allen: Real-world endpoints can be used to fill evidence gaps about performance of medical products
Conversation with The Cancer LetterFreeReal-world Evidence

Friends’ Allen: Real-world endpoints can be used to fill evidence gaps about performance of medical products

If real-world endpoints are indeed accurate proxies for clinical trial endpoints, real-world endpoints should start to look increasingly similar to the clinical trial endpoints as more stringent criteria are applied, said Jeff Allen, president and CEO of Friends of Cancer Research.