Choi Named OncoDermatology Chief at Northwestern Memorial

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JENNIFER NAM CHOI was named chief of the Division of OncoDermatology at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and associate professor in the Department of Dermatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Choi will also join the melanoma team at Northwestern Medicine.

The Division of OncoDermatology is comprised of dermatologists who specialize in treating the mucocutaneous complications of cancer treatments and comprises one of five units within Northwestern Medicine’s Skin Cancer Institute of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University.

Specifically, Choi’s team provides care for skin, mucosal, hair and nail toxicities in patients undergoing cancer treatment, including chemotherapy and radiation. Her team also manages toxicities that may arise as a result of stem cell or solid organ transplantation—utilizing its graft-vs-host disease program, the skin cancer surveillance initiative for high-risk patients and Northwestern Memorial’s extracorporeal photopheresis unit.

Choi was the founder and director of the Yale Oncodermatology Clinic at Yale School of Medicine since 2008, and also served as the Melanoma Unit Disease Team co-leader at the Yale Cancer Center since 2009.


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